SNEWS World Map app

The SNEWS World Map app displays neutrino detectors that participate in the SNEWS network. Also shown are observing facilities that have registered to be a part of the coordinated electromagnetic follow up to SNEWS alerts. Each location can be queried for weather information and the Sun .

SNEWS world map of facilities

SNEWS Software

SNEWS has developed software for our supernova neutrino searches. SNEWPY is an open-source software package which bridges the gap between supernova simulations and the corresponding signals in neutrino detectors which will help make comparison between theory and observation. The output from SNEWPY may be used by an event generator such as sntools or an event rate calculator such as SNOwGLoBES. To determine if a supernova alert should be issued, SNEWS developed an alert application that extends the SCiMMA hop-client. This application monitors the observations published by detectors in the SNEWS network, and can optionally send alerts upon the detection of a potential supernova. Following observations published by detectors, SNEWPDAG is a calculation engine to create a skymap of the possible location of the supernova to pass to professional and amateur astronomers around the world.

Multi-Messenger Resources

The next Galactic core-collapse event will allow for complete multi-messenger observations of the supernova across the electromagnetic spectrum, in gravitational waves, and in neutrinos. While SNEWS will observe the neutrinos from the event, other collaborations can help with other observations. LIGO and VIRGO are gravitational wave observatories. REFITT coordinates professional and amateur astronomers around the world, including members of AAVSO, to perform time-sensitive observations of astronomical transients. A list of the most recent supernovae in other galaxies can be found at Latest Supernovae. Hopefully we can observe a supernovae in our galaxy within our lifetimes!

Supernova Seminar Series

About once a month, SNEWS is hosting a series of public seminar talks with speakers from all areas of supernova research. Topics range from theory to experiment and from modeling to observation; we cover neutrinos, gravitational waves, the electromagnetic spectrum and, of course, multi-messenger efforts. See the list of past and upcoming seminars  on InspireHEP and contact  Marta Colomer with questions or topic suggestions.

AAVSO Campaign to monitor potential supernova progenitors

We are attempting to monitor the brightest supernova progenitor star candidates with long term photometry. This should help shed some light on any abnormalities in these stars which may indicate a supernova or at the very least give us a better understanding of these stars.

The supernova progenitor stars being monitored are a subset of stars identified in the paper by Sarah Healy et al. (2024) titled “Red supergiant candidates for multimessenger monitoring of the next Galactic supernova”. 

You can download the listing of candidate supernova progenitor stars from GitHub here.

A SNEWS Star Map app has been created to explore the red supergiant stars identified in Healy et al. (2024).